Monday, December 24, 2007

Yeah, (and verily.)

"THOU do'st not blog!"
That's more or less what the thundering voice said. HE, in HIS infinite wisdom knewest 'twas so and forbore to smite me mightily about the Id and Ego.
And so passed the third day after the twentieth following number two hundred and thirty-four...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

So I lied. Go figure.

The good news is: You're going to live. The bad: You're going to live here.
I know you've all had your eyes on this space for weeks now in anticipation of the much heralded and highly exalted CONCEPT. Well, Ladies and Gents, lay in the Visine supplies and a case or two of your favorite stimulant-rich concoction. Today ain't your day. The good Doctor has other irons in the fire at the moment and is far too busy to cater to the idle whims of the masses.
Maybe I can pencil you in for sometime later this week? Perhaps you would like to have a seat in our luxurious and spacious Waiting Room and pray for a cancellation of some prior appointment? God knows, I do...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Testing... Is this thing on?

This is the way the world ends.

Look at me, Ma! I'm in cyberspace! I possess virtually (hah!) no mass and occupy nearly immeasurable space, and yet all who look upon this will attribute me with Turing capable processes...
What fools these mortals be.

This, obviously, is my first posting, and having given absolutely NO thought to the subject of content, I will be brief in the interest of keeping interest. (Enigma that I am.)

I know. Believe me, I know how lost and forlorn this makes you all. Get used to it. I thrive on it. Your confusion is my inspiration. I find great joy in your clumsy dance of desperation as you ask yourselves, "What in hell am I gonna' read now? Have I finally reached the end of the intarweb?"
Suffer a bit more for me. That's all I ask. I shall soon return with something wondrous and strange for your open amusement and covert edification.

I shall emerge with a CONCEPT.

This is the way the world ends.